Instructions for getting setup in Xpilot-AI Xpilot-AI GitLab Download the following: binaries/* archives/maps.tar.gz exampleBots/c/Spinner.c exampleBots/java/ exampleBots/python/ exampleBots/racket/Spinner.rkt library/racket/rktAI.rkt library/c/cAI.h Go to the location of the files you downloaded (maybe in Download) and move them all to a folder such as xp on your Desktop. Open a terminal and cd to the location of the files (for example): cd Desktop/xp Now we have to make xpilot (the client) and xpilots (the server) executable by running the following commands: chmod +x xpilot chmod +x xpilots Then extract the maps for the server to the same location as xpilots either by navigating to the file, double-clicking, and exporting, or by running the following command: tar -xzf maps.tar.gz You can run a server with the following command: ./xpilots -map maps/simple.xp -noQuit -switchBase 1 (Press Ctrl+C in the same terminal window to stop the server) You can run the XPilot client simply by navigating to xpilot and double-clicking on it or in a new terminal running: ./xpilot Once the xpilot window opens, click on Local, then localhost to join your server! The keys a and s turn left and right, while shift thrusts and enter fires. To run the Spinner bot, open a terminal, cd to the directory with Spinner and lib* So for Python, that would be and, then run: python3 You can also use a text editor to open and edit it, plus look in the comments for directions on how to run.